How D'you Make a Flavour Like... Elderflower Soda?

You know we're all about that all natural, never from concentrate life, which means our seasonal smasher Elderflower Soda is no different, Fizz Fam!
Whilst we enlisted the help of Foraging Legend and Pop Pal, John the Poacher, to source most of our Elderflower, the gang here at Square Root HQ had a go at that #cottagecore fun and scouted the marshes of East London to pick elderflower. What did we learn from this?
1. Hemlock and cow parsley look strikingly similar to Elderflower but think of them as the poisonous sisters. Eat them and well, it won't end well for you.
2. Foraging takes precision, skill and it extremely rewarding.
3. Square Root team members can be a tad too competitive when there's a prize at stake to whoever picks the most elderflower.
Want to see the fun we had? Ofc, you do! Check out the photos below.
Three men picking elderflower from trees.
Unfortunately, the creamiest elderflower buds were situated on the highest points of the tree. Being tall definitely has its advantages, and being able to nab the best elderflower to make banging soda is one of them!
Two men picking elderflower from a tree.
Resourceful king, Drew (pictured, right) later grabbed a stick (viking style) and managed to snag several beaut elderflower buds.
Three people picking elderflower from a tree.
Here, we have Ella, David, and Sergio vying for the bed buds (we weren't lyin' when we said Square Root HQ are a competitive bunch).
Opening a bag of elderflower.
Holding an elderflower branch.
These were amongst the creamiest buds we could find - just look at these beautys!
Three people picking elderflower in the trees.
Eat, sleep, forage, repeat.
Person holding an elderflower branch.
Just looook at this elderflower branch, ready to be reincarnated into a banging bottle of seasonal soda.
Woman and dog sitting on the grass.
Remember to take a break when you're foraging, Pop Pals!
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