Lockdown Recipes: Ed's Failed Sourdough Deconstructed BLT

Flat Dough

The first thing Ed, like many other millennial hipsters, did when the lockdown was announced was start his own sourdough culture for making bread at home. The result was less than impressive - a solid lump of bread. But all of that artisan flour comes at a price and food shouldn't go to waste so he decided to find a use for the lump he'd made and a way to give Robyn the BLT she was promised all at the same time - read on! 

Serves 2 
3 Slices of 'bread'
2 Vine Tomatoes
2tbsp Olive oil
1 clove of Garlic
4 rashers of smoked Streaky bacon
1 Lettuce (any - it's lockdown lets not be fussy)

Cubette Seasoning
1tsp Sea Salt
1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 tsp Dried Oregano
Black Pepper

For the salad dressing
3tbsp Mayonnaise
Bacon fat (from the pan)
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
Tomato juice (from the tomatoes)


Make the croutons!

  1. First cut your sad failure into crouton sized pieces and place a wok or frying pan on a medium heat.
  2. Add 2 tbsp of olive oil to the pan and throw in the handful of cubettes. Allow the oil to soak into the pieces and if you feel fancy add another glug for good measure.
  3. Allow the pieces to toast in the pan. Eat any that look a little burnt along the way (my secret).
  4. Once crunchy and oil-rich switch off the heat and allow them to cool down for a while.
  5. Once cool add the seasoning and mix well.

Assemble the salad!

  1. Chop the tomatoes and put them in a bowl with a peeled and lightly crushed garlic clove.
  2. Add salt, pepper and a glug of olive oil - leave to rest for 10 minutes while it does its thing. Usually, you should take the clove of garlic out before adding the tomato to the salad - but you can leave it in if you want, you maverick.
  3. Meanwhile - fry off the bacon rashers until they release their fat and become crunchy. Take them out of the pan and once cool chop them into bits.
  4. Prepare the dressing by mixing the bacon fat, mayonnaise, vinegar, the juice that has yielded from the tomatoes. Taste and add enough vinegar to give it some bite.
  5. The time has come - chop up the lettuce, mix it with the dressing. Throw in the tomatoes, bacon and croutons and mix together. Your BLT is served.

If you're feeling classy why not add some Parmesan cheese shavings to the top. 

The fresh flavours of this tasty salad pair perfectly with our Rhubarb Soda!

- Ed x

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