5 Reasons to have an Alcohol Free August

Make this summer a summer to remember, literally! Soda Boss Robyn is here to give you her top 5 reasons for going sober this August. Read on!Square Root Lemonade at Brighton beach
I've been sober for over four and a half years, so I'm pretty comfortable in my alcohol-free state. Here are my top 5 reasons for taking a break from the booze and making the most of the rest of the summer.

1. You won't spend any of your summer with a hangover
Ever experienced hanxiety, beer fear, the Sunday scaries? Well, you can say bye-bye to those when you spend your August off the sauce. Imagine; nights out where you remember the whole thing, you don't text your ex something weird, and you can do whatever you want the next day because you feel totally fine.

2. You'll save money
If someone offered to add an extra £300 to your bank account, you'd say yes, right? Well, this is what I found I'd saved a month from going sober. This was the number one thing I wasn't expecting when I gave up alcohol. It's also the number one thing funding my Lucy & Yak addiction.

3. You'll be more present

Have you noticed how conversations tend to go downhill after a few rounds at the pub? What about being unable to talk about anything other than how crap you feel at brunch the next day? Having an alcohol siesta can help you have more meaningful conversations and make the most of your time with people.

4. You'll sleep better

Honestly, you will! Alcohol prevents you from drifting into a deep sleep, so do yourself a favour and sign up for a better night's sleep all summer long. I've even found it easier getting to sleep when it's still 31 degrees outside at 11 pm - bliss!

5. You'll get to try loads more interesting drinks

Do you always order the same thing on a night out? Push yourself out of your comfort zone and open yourself up to trying new and exciting flavours with alcohol-free drinks. There's so much to try these days. From tropical gin substitutes to an AF Negroni Spritz (Square Root ofc), you're bound to find something new you love.

So how about it will you being going alcohol free this August? Let us know in the comments. Need some drink-spiration? Try our Sober, Not Boring case!

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1 comment

  • I’m reading these reasons to be cheerful on day 9 of going AF. The original intention was to quit smoking, but quitting booze as part of this has given me several revelations and raised questions about my relationship with drinking. Love Square Root too btw.


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